Polish Community Mural

The Polish Home Omaha and Friends. Mike Girón. Richard Harrison. Quintin Slovek. Rhianna Girón. Gary Kastrick.
Dinker’s Bar and Grill
2368 S 29th St, Omaha, NE 68105
Welcome to a four-day Polish neighborhood wedding party, where the bride and groom are harassed by the noisy chivalrie, where traditional foods are garden grown or cooked in yards and brought out to the line of trucks waiting to enter the Stockyards, and where kids shoot water guns filled with Holy Water. You will see traditions that rekindle ties to the homeland, around Christmas, when Opatki is shared with papa’s stories and during the wedding, when the best man smashes a chair to see from the pieces how many children the couple will have. Great heroes of Poland hang out with locals, to whose intimate stories are given a wink, a nod and a toast, Nostrovia!

Our Dedication Ceremony was a huge success. A Polka band filled the bar with joyful rhythms and the community brought in a feast of home cooked Polish food. The party migrated outside, where we had a mock wedding. Our Assistant Muralist and local Polish Omahan, Quintin Slovek even broke a chair just like a real Polish wedding!
Nebraska Arts Council
Polish Home Omaha
South Omaha Business Association