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Italian Community Mural

A major part of the grand journey of Italians and Sicilians coming to Omaha began in 1895 when two brothers from Carlentini, Sicily came to Omaha, started a bank, and several shops, then loaned many of their friends means to travel here and start a new life. Now, there are more people in Omaha from Carlentini than there are people in Carlentini. Little Italy became known for its many grocery stores, restaurants, shoe makers, and devotion to the church. Many of them worked on building the railroads. Their wonderful foods and cultural traditions can be experienced in their annual Santa Lucia Festival. This year we celebrated Carlentini and Omaha becoming Sister Cities with the visiting of mayors and representatives of each city to the other!
The mural is on Orsi's Bakery and Pizzeria, established in 1916, which is located at 621 Pacific St.
Artists include:Lead Artist Richard Harrison and the following: Jeremy Caniglia, Frank Costanzo, Lita De La Guardia, Mary Ensz, Amelia Koneck, John Pecoraro, Marianne Smejkal, and our apprentices, Sophia Dilorenzo, Lexi Combs Sicily Manganaro, and Lily Svaboda!
Click Here for more information on the artists

The North Wall
The churches and saints that this community holds dear and images of a voyage from Italy to Ellis Island, with flags from Italy, America and Sicily. The Christ Child Center and the original Caniglia houses.

The East Wall
East wall of the mural

filling it in
community paint day

The North Wall
The churches and saints that this community holds dear and images of a voyage from Italy to Ellis Island, with flags from Italy, America and Sicily. The Christ Child Center and the original Caniglia houses.

© 2020 A Midsummer's Mural / The South Omaha Mural Project
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