A Quetzal Mural at 24th and N!

Help us start an Arts Club in South O!
We have had several meetings to kick off a South Omaha Art Club
This new group will be a spin off from the South Omaha Mural Project and the great work of El Museo Latino and is planning some amazing new collaborations going forward! We just attended the State Arts Conference and learned more about the Creative District movement, and we would be interested in starting one ourselves!
From the Nebraska arts Council Website-
Creative Districts are designated cultural and economic areas where innovation flourishes and neighborhoods come together in the name of art. They provide significant economic impact by creating purposeful spaces like art galleries, theatres, and music venues, attracting employees and businesses.
If you are interested in visual, performing, or literary art and looking for a community of friends to gather with, please join us for our next two meetings:
Our next meeting will be Monday January 20th at 7pm.
at 4808 South 26th Street, the South Omaha Mural Project Studio
(contact us)
To get involved with any of our projects please get in touch!
Call Richard Harrison at
402-490-7026 | midsummer@cox.net
Follow us on Social Media
We always post updates and upcoming events on
Facebook and Instagram, join our community online!